CSNCH Employer Forum
Close collaboration between universities and employers is an important factor contributing to a successful career start for students and university graduates.
The Employer Forum, organised by the CSNCH, offers a unique opportunity to network with approximately 150 Career Services and Campus Marketing & Recruiting professionals from Switzerland.
The CSNCH Employer Forum is an invitation only event. We, the Swiss Career Services, invite our corporate partners. If you are interested in participation, get in touch with your Career Services contacts.
Editions so far
The CSNCH Employer Forum's so far
2023: ETH in Zurich
2021: Employer Radar - online format due to pandemic restrictions
2019: University of Berne
2018: University of Berne
see pictures and video below
Flashback Employer Forum 23rd August 2023 in Zurich
«The Future of Skills – The Skills of the Future»
Main elements of the 2023 Employer Forum
- Welcome of the Dean of the ETH, Prof. Dr. Günther Dissertori
- Keynote Speech Inner Development Goals by Erik Fernhol
- BarCamp on the conference’s topic
- Apéro riche
- and most important: A lot of interaction, discussion and learning from each other.
Thank you all for making this event a special one!
Further ressources:
- Competency Framework of the ETH Zurich https://competenceview.ethz.ch/competence-framework/
- Inner Development Goals https://www.innerdevelopmentgoals.org/
- HR BarCamp https://hrbarcamp.ch/
Pictures of our engagement
Results of our engagement at the BarCamp
Employer Forums in the Past
Employer Radar January 2021
Employer Forum August 2019
Employer Forum August 2018