Career Services Network Switzerland
As career services professionals, we build a bridge between studies and employment.

Swiss Graduates Job Market Monitor (GJMM)

Recession - Skilled Labour Shortage - Everything normal again?

It started with COVID19, when we realized, that we have absolutely no idea about the job market for our graduates. And since then we try to bring a little bit of light into the darkness with the "Swiss Graduates Job Market Monitor", a project of the Career Services Network of Switzerland, which attempts to record and map the development of the labour market for university graduates using various indicators.

The Swiss Graduates Job Market Monitor is the only indicator for graduates positions world wide, that is published quarterly.

Why is that important?

The labor market is competitive. When competition is tougher, more effort is needed. The GJMM is intended to serve Career Services as a communication tool with which they can explain the situation on the job market to their students.

Which are the indicators?

The monitor includes 2 indicators

J  - Job Platforms - monthly, start: July 2020, next survey every 20th of the month, 
C - Career Services employees - every three months, start August 2020, next survey April 2021 - new indicator planned for 2025

The project team 

  • Selina Hofmann, HES-SO Valais, Indicator J - Job platforms
  • Aline Bach, University of St. Gallen
  • Roger Gfrörer, University of Zurich

We need your support. If you want to contribute to a better understanding of the jobmarket for graduates, send an email to

Former members:
Samuel Barthet, Michael Coimbraz Vaz, Lorena Coletti, Sophie Latrille, Yvonne Müller, Catherine Kha - Thank you very much for your contributions!

Former Indicators (not surveyed anymore):
E - Employers - every 6 months, start: November 2020, next survey November 2021 
S - Students - every 3 months, start: December 2020, next survey March 2021

Reports & Documents 

We are happy if you use the data. Please refer to 
Graduate Job Market Monitor, Career Services Network Switzerland (CSNCH),


Thank you!
Roger and the GJMM Team

GJMM Index 

The GJMM-Index starts in October 2020 (=100%) and shows the development of published entry level jobs on 15 job-platforms of Swiss universities. 

Below you see the number of publishes entry level jobs since January 2022 on 15 platforms of Career Services in Switzerland. It also shows the contribution of the Career Services to the Swiss Jobmarket and the Economy of Switzerland.

Reports by Indicator since 2021 

Indicator J - Job platforms  

Indicator E - Employers 

Indicator E - February 2022

GJMM - Indicator E Feb 2022

Indicator E - August 2021

Indicator E - August 2021

Indicator S - Students 

Indicator S - Dezember 2021


Indicator S - August 2021

Indicator S - August 2021

Indicator C - Career Services